Friday, July 6, 2007

There oughta be a law and there is!

Newton ordinances prohibit service providers from leaving excess cable on the pole. The large coil shown in this picture at 92 Central Ave. in Newtonville was left in February of 2005. After repeated calls to RCN, their "dispatcher" informed us in June 2005 that the problem had been solved by raising the coil on the pole. He said it "would not be removed." True to his word, the coil is still there two years later. Service providers need to hear from customers that they may not use our neighborhoods for industrial storage. Please share your examples of abuse of the public streets by the utility, TV, and internet providers in Newton.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so frustrated by this utter disregard for our cityscape, I can hardly find the words. Just look up in practically every intersection or as you drive along any street and you will witness these huge sloppy coils (the one shown here is a neat exception) or overloaded double or spliced poles skewed over the roadway. Isn't safety at issue? Does anyone else care? Seems not. Oh well. Thanks for the platform!